Public Meeting to be Held April 11 for PortsToronto’s Environmental Assessment of the Proposed Billy Bishop Toronto City Airport Runway Extension and Introduction of Jet Aircraft

PortsToronto will be hosting an all-day public meeting on Saturday, April 11, 2015 to review and discuss the Draft Study Design/Scope for the Environmental Assessment (EA) of the proposed introduction of jet aircraft and extension of the main runway at Billy Bishop Toronto City Airport (BBTCA).
At this meeting, PortsToronto and their EA consultants (AECOM, planningAlliance and RWDI) will share and seek feedback on the updated list of potential effects of the proposal that will be studied in the EA, and the methodology that will be used to study the effects.
Public Meeting
Saturday, April 11, 2015
9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, South Building
Room 714
222 Bremner Boulevard
The format of this meeting will be largely the same as the Saturday, January 24, public meeting with breakout stations for different EA topics. If you are interested in hearing presentations and providing feedback on all of the EA topics, you can do that by attending for the entire day. You are also welcome to drop-in at any time.
Public meeting materials, including a detailed agenda and presentations, will be made available on the project website ( no later than Thursday, April 2. Sign up for updates on the project website to receive meeting materials directly.
Following the meeting, a final draft of the EA Study Design/Scope document will be available for a 30-day public review, during which anyone can provide suggested refinements for PortsToronto to consider. Following this 30-day review period, the Study Design will be finalized and part two of the EA and public engagement process will begin.
For more details on the public meeting and other environmental assessment engagement activities, visit
You can also contact PortsToronto or the Independent Facilitation Team for more information:
Angela Homewood
Project Manager and EA Specialist
416- 863-2046
Alex Heath
Consultation Manager
Swerhun Facilitation