Ship Channel Bridge Critical Repair

Current Status: Ship Channel Bridge (Cherry Street Bridge) is open to vehicle, bicycle and pedestrian traffic. 


Toronto (September 10, 2024) – The Ship Channel Bridge (Cherry St. Bridge) roadway will be closed to vehicle, bicycle and pedestrian traffic between 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday, September 11 to allow for repairs to progress. It will reopen at 2:00 p.m. and is expected to remain open until 12:00 p.m. Friday, September 20.

PortsToronto has provided an updated repair schedule below. Note that this schedule is approximate and dependent on repair progress.



*NOTE* Schedule is subject to change due to weather or repair activities. Please consult current bridge status bar at top of this page for up to date information. 
Date/Period Roadway Access (vehicle, bicycle, pedestrian)
September 6 – September 11 Open 3:00 p.m. September 6 to 10:00 a.m. September 11
September 11 Closed 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
September 11 – September 20 Open from 2:00 p.m. September 11 to 12:00 p.m. September 20
September 20 – September 25 Closed
September 25 – October 23 Open
Bridge expected to return to full operation October 23. 

Safety for workers and the public is our number one priority. Access via the Ship Channel Bridge is dependent on weather and repair activities and may change without notice. PortsToronto is committed to providing updates as quickly as possible on this page of our website and social media (X) and we encourage the public to regularly check these pages.


Toronto (September 3, 2024) – The Ship Channel Bridge (Cherry St. Bridge) roadway will be open to vehicle, bicycle and pedestrian traffic between 3:00 p.m. Tuesday, September 3 and 12:00 p.m. Thursday, September 5.
There has been a minor revision to the repair schedule as crews proceed with ongoing critical repairs. As a result, the bridge will be closed between 12:00 p.m. Thursday, September 5 and 3:00 p.m., Friday September 6. It will reopen at 3:00 p.m. Friday, September 6 and is expected to remain open until 12:00 p.m. Tuesday, September 17, with a brief overnight closure on Tuesday, September 10.
PortsToronto has provided an updated repair schedule below. Note that this schedule is approximate and dependent on repair progress.

Toronto (August 29, 2024) – The Ship Channel Bridge (Cherry St. Bridge) critical repair schedule has been revised as crews proceed with ongoing critical repairs. The winch testing and commissioning has been successful, and the shaft removal has commenced and will be completed in the next few days. As a result of this work, is has been necessary to revise the schedule of repairs. PortsToronto has provided an updated repair schedule below. Note that this schedule is approximate and dependent on repair progress.

Toronto (August 23, 2024) – The Ship Channel Bridge (Cherry St. Bridge) critical repair schedule has been revised due to a safety issue identified during the testing phase of ongoing repair. A solution has been engineered and the issue is now resolved, however as a result is has been necessary to revise the schedule of repairs. PortsToronto has provided an updated repair schedule below. Note that this schedule is approximate and dependent on repair progress.

Toronto (August 14, 2024) – The Ship Channel Bridge (Cherry St. Bridge) critical repair schedule has been revised due to a structural issue detected during the testing phase of ongoing repair. As engineering and contractor teams work to resolve the issue, PortsToronto has provided an updated repair schedule below. Note that this schedule is approximate and dependent on repair progress.

Toronto (August 8, 2024) – The Ship Channel Bridge (Cherry St. Bascule Bridge) will continue to be closed to roadway traffic until 1:00 p.m. Tuesday, August 13 as crews proceed with ongoing critical repairs. We expected to lower the bridge earlier this week, but due to some challenges, the bridge will remain in the raised position until the temporary winch system is fully ready for use.
Please continue to check the schedule and status bar on this page for updates on roadway access. Dates and times below are approximate and dependent on repair progress.

Toronto (August 2, 2024) – The Ship Channel Bridge (Cherry St. Bascule Bridge) will continue to be closed to roadway traffic until 2:00 p.m. Monday, August 12 as crews proceed with ongoing critical repairs. We expect the bridge will be lowered on Tuesday, August 6, however the bridge roadway will remain closed to vehicle, bicycle and pedestrian traffic as the installation of a winch system is completed.
Please continue to check the schedule and status bar on this page for updates on roadway access. Dates and times above are approximate and dependent on repair progress.

Toronto (July 29, 2024) –  The Ship Channel Bridge (Cherry St. Bascule Bridge) will be closed to roadway traffic from 12:00 p.m. Monday, July 29 in order to proceed with ongoing critical repairs. Please continue to check the schedule and status bar on this page for updates on roadway access. 

Toronto (July 24, 2024) – The Ship Channel Bridge (Cherry St. Bascule Bridge) will open to roadway traffic from 9:30 a.m. Thursday, July 25 to 11:00 p.m. Sunday, July 28. Access for vehicles will alternate between one and two lanes of traffic. Cyclist and pedestrian traffic will be facilitated on the west side of the bridge during this time.  
The bridge has been lowered in order to proceed with ongoing critical repairs and to provide access to the Port Lands while the City of Toronto-owned Unwin (Bailey) Bridge is closed from July 25 to 28. Please continue to check the status bar on this page for updates on roadway access.

Toronto (July 15, 2024) – Since our June 27 update, PortsToronto has been working on the design, procurement and installation of a winch system that will be used for occasional lift/lowering movements of the Ship Channel Bridge during Repair Period 2 in order to facilitate both marine and vehicle traffic.

We have experienced a one-week delay in securing parts for this winch system, and as a result the Ship Channel Bridge will remain in the raised position until July 24. It is expected that Repair Period 1 will be completed on July 24, and Repair Period 2 take place between July 25 and August 25. 

The timeline provided above is a guide only and will be refined as we approach Repair Period 2. Please check this page for frequent updates on the bridge position and roadway access during Repair Period 2.
PortsToronto has committed to identifying all opportunities to safely and periodically open the bridge to vehicle, bicycle and pedestrian traffic and will continue to provide updates on our website and on social media (X) when available.

Toronto (June 28, 2024) – PortsToronto has been working with the Transport Canada Navigation Protection Program office to secure concurrence and approvals to proceed with emergency repairs. Overall, repairs are progressing as planned while the bridge is in the raised position. However, it is necessary to revise our schedule of repairs to accommodate the implementation of a winch system that will facilitate operations while the main shaft is being replaced. We expect Repair Period 1 to be completed on July 16. The bridge will remain in the raised position until that time. 

During Repair Period 2, between July 16 and August 15, the winch system will be used to facilitate occasional lift/lowering movements of the Ship Channel Bridge during the remainder of the repair period to facilitate access for both marine and roadway traffic. We are continuing to take all precautions necessary to ensure safety for operators and the public.Please check this page for frequent updates on the bridge position and roadway access during Repair Period 2.
PortsToronto has committed to identifying all opportunities to safely and periodically open the bridge to vehicle, bicycle and pedestrian traffic and will continue to provide updates on our website and on social media (X) when available.

Toronto (June 7, 2024) – As our teams work to complete critical repairs to the Ship Channel Bridge, PortsToronto has committed to identifying all opportunities to safely and periodically open the bridge to vehicle, bicycle and pedestrian traffic.
During Repair Period 1, between June 3 and July 4, access between Polson Street and Unwin Avenue via the Ship Channel Bridge will fall under one of three categories:
  1. Closed to all traffic.
  2. One alternating lane of traffic.
  3. Two lanes of traffic.
PortsToronto will provide updates on this page and on social media (X) to advise when access becomes possible. Staff and signage will be posted onsite directing to this page for up-to-date information.

Toronto (June 3, 2024) – Engineering and construction contractor teams have confirmed a timeline for critical repairs to the damaged main shaft and lifting mechanism of the Ship Channel Bridge.
  • Repair Period 1: Between June 3 and July 4, work will continue as we replace the damaged main shaft and lifting mechanism of the Ship Channel Bridge. The nature of the work during this period, which includes the manufacture of a new steel shaft to replace the damaged 93-year old original piece, will require the bridge to remain locked in the upright position for majority of work activities in order to ensure the safety of workers and the public. While this work is taking place, access the Port of Toronto and Cherry Beach is maintained via Unwin Avenue. PortsToronto has engaged and is contributing funding for traffic control officers to be posted at the Leslie Street / Unwin Avenue bailey bridge to help ease congestion.
  • Repair Period 2: Between July 5 and 29, the Ship Channel Bridge will be lowered to the down position to complete the remainder of the repair. While this work is taking place, we will look for any opportunities to safely open one lane of vehicle, bicycle and pedestrian traffic without risk to workers or the public. An update on access will be provided as we approach Repair Period.

Toronto (May 13, 2024) – Structural analysis on the damaged main shaft and lifting mechanism of the Ship Channel Bridge is complete. Sourcing of supplies and parts for the repair has begun, and it is expected that repair work will occur over the course of several weeks. During this work, the bridge will remain in the upright position for safety reasons. We will continue to provide updates on the repair as details become available.

During this time, Cherry Street will remain closed for vehicular and pedestrian traffic south of Polson Street. Members of the public and all Port users can still use Unwin Avenue (base of Leslie Street) to access the Port and Cherry Beach.

Toronto (May 6, 2024) – Structural analysis on the damaged main shaft and lifting mechanism continues. Engineering teams expect results next week that will determine next steps for the repair/containment of damage sustained April 22, and the continued safe operation of the bridge. The Ship Channel Bridge will remain in the upright position until at least Monday, May 13, at which time further information about the repair timelines will be provided.

Toronto (May 2, 2024) – The Ship Channel Bridge will remain in the upright position until Friday, May 10 as structural analysis on the damaged main shaft and lifting mechanism continues. Engineering teams expect results next week that will determine next steps for the repair/containment of damage sustained April 22, and the continued safe operation of the bridge. PortsToronto will continue to provide updates here and on our social media channels as information becomes available. 

During this time, Cherry Street will remain closed for vehicular and pedestrian traffic south of Polson Street. Members of the public and all Port users can still use Unwin Avenue (base of Leslie Street) to access the Port and Cherry Beach.

Toronto (May 1, 2024) – The Ship Channel Bridge is currently out of service and will be locked in the upright position until Monday, May 6 as critical emergency repairs are completed. During this time, Cherry Street will remain closed for vehicular and pedestrian traffic south of Polson Street. Members of the public and all Port users can still use Unwin Avenue (base of Leslie Street) to access the Port and Cherry Beach.

The Ship Channel Bridge initially sustained hardware damage on April 22. Follow-up inspection on initial repairs confirmed that the main shaft of the bridge is bent, which has the potential to cause a full failure of the lifting mechanism. This mechanism is an original, 92-year old part of the bridge and is scheduled to be replaced and/or rehabilitated as part of the final stage of an ongoing rehabilitation project led by PortsToronto and the City of Toronto, which has been underway since March 2022.

Toronto (April 27, 2024) – The majority of repairs on the Ship Channel Bridge were completed on Friday, April 26 and the bridge is now fully operational. Additional maintenance work will be ongoing, however there will be minimal impact to road and marine traffic.

Toronto (April 25, 2024) – The Ship Channel Bridge was safely lowered this afternoon and vehicle traffic restored as of 6:00 p.m. The Ship Channel Bridge remains out of service and mechanical and structural service will continue. It is expected that vehicle traffic will be impacted during daytime hours as this work continues – via single lane restrictions and/or test lifts of the bridge – and members of the public and all Port users are encouraged to continue to use Unwin Avenue (base of Leslie Street) to access the Port and Cherry Beach.

Toronto (April 24, 2024) – The Ship Channel Bridge is currently out of service and locked in an upright position due to hardware damage sustained on April 24, 2024. Service is underway to replace and/or repair the hardware in order to return the bridge to operation. It is expected that this work will take a few days and regular updates will be provided.

Currently, Cherry Street will remain closed for vehicular and pedestrian traffic south of Polson Street. Members of the public and all Port users can still use Unwin Avenue (base of Leslie Street) to access the Port and Cherry Beach.

PortsToronto and the City of Toronto have undertaken a joint project to restore the Ship Channel Bridge which has been underway since March 2022. The damaged lift systems are being replaced and/or rehabilitated as part of the final stage of this project.



In March 2022, PortsToronto in partnership with the City of Toronto began a major rehabilitation program to modernize the ageing Ship Channel Lift Bridge, a vital piece of infrastructure supporting Toronto’s supply chain that was originally constructed in 1931. Through this project, PortsToronto and the City of Toronto, will restore and revitalize the Ship Channel Lift Bridge, a vital element of marine and vehicle transportation infrastructure enabling the transfer of cargo from the Port into the City of Toronto and surrounding area.
In March 2024, the project reached the substantial completion of Phase 1 – the rehabilitation of the bridge’s north and south roadway spans. Phase 2, scheduled to begin in late 2024, will restore the bascule lift bridge structure and replace end of life mechanical and electrical lift systems. The majority of this work is limited to the winter months when the Ship Channel Bridge is not operational. It is expected that the overall project will be completed in 2027.
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