Powered Vessel Operator’s Permit
Recreational boaters operating a powered vessel within the Port and Harbour of Toronto must be in possession of BOTH a Powered Vessel Operator’s permit and a Pleasure Craft Operator Card.
The Pleasure Craft Operator Card is issued by Transport Canada for all Canadian waterways. You can find additional information about the Card on Transport Canada’s website.
The Powered Vessel Operator’s Permit is issued by the Toronto Port Authority. You can renew for your Powered Vessel Operator’s Permit online or download an application if it’s your first time applying.
Apply for a permit here.
Renew your permit here.
The following is important information about the Powered Vessel Operator’s Permit. Please read it carefully. If you have questions you can call 416-778-1230 or e-mail the Permit Office
Boater’s Notice regarding the Powered Vessel Operator’s Permit
Powered Vessel Operator’s Permit Information
The Toronto Port Authority’s Practices and Procedures require that “No person shall operate a powered vessel within the Port and Harbour of Toronto unless authorized to do so.” Acquiring such permit (also known as a harbour licence) comprises of 2 parts:
- to obtain a 30-day Learners Temporary Permit, then
- take a written and practical test to obtain the PoweredVessel Operator’s Permit
Powered Vessel Operator’s Permits are granted to persons 14 years and older, and are for 1 or 2 year duration, expiring December 31 of a given year.
(I) Learner’s Temporary Permit
Written application can be made to the Powered Vessel Operator’s Permit office at 475 Unwin Ave., Toronto, Ontario, M4M 3M2 (Tel: 416-778-1230) providing full name, address, telephone number, birth date, height and gender. Enclose a cheque or money order in the amount of $30.00 payable to the “Toronto Port Authority”. This covers the information materials for test preparation, testing, and your first calendar year.
Application can be made in person at the Powered Vessel Operator’s Permit office.
From May to October please visit the permit office at the Outer Harbour Marina, 475 Unwin Ave., Toronto, Ontario, M4M 3M2 (Tel: 416-778-1230) on Mondays – Fridays from 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
From November to April please contact the office via e-mail at [email protected] or at 416-778-1230.
Payments can be made using VISA, MasterCard, debit, cash or cheque.
Note: Holders of a Learner’s Temporary Permit must be accompanied by a holder of Powered Vessel Operator’s Permit whenever operating a vessel in Toronto waters.
(II) Testing
Powered Vessel Operator’s Permits are issued subject to the passing of written (multiple choice) and practical tests within the 30-day term of the Temporary Permit. Tests are conducted each Thursday commencing in early May through late September from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. by appointment only – arranged through the permit office. If the Temporary Permit expires before passing the test, another Temporary Permit must be obtained at a further $5.00. The testing office is located at 475 Unwin Ave. (Outer Harbour Marina). Applicants are required to bring their Temporary Permit on their test date.
A $25.00 re-examination fee is required each time the test is taken. When the temporary permit is endorsed by the examiner, a permanent permit is mailed to the applicant.
Failure to renew a permit prohibits the operator from navigating a powered vessel in the Port and Harbour of Toronto. If you fail to renew your permit for 1 to 2 consecutive years, the permit may be reinstated by the payment of the fee for the outstanding year(s) plus the current year. If 3 consecutive years are missed, the operator will be required to retake the test but will not be required to pay for missed year(s). All fees and charges would apply as for a first time applicant.
Offsite Testing
Special arrangements can be made through the permit office for group instruction and/or testing. Applicants (clubs, marinas, groups, etc.) are responsible for obtaining their Temporary Permits not less than 2 weeks prior to the test date and may co-ordinate same into a single batch if required.
Personal Water Craft
Operators of PWC’s must be licenced in the Port and Harbour of Toronto in the same manner as that for other powered vessel operators. All procedures, costs and fees apply as indicated above.
Operators Permit Suspension
When suspended or revoked, the holder of that permit, if or when, permitted to again operate a powered vessel in the Port will be subject to full retesting and associated charges as for a first time applicant.
Powered Vessel Operator’s Permit Office 416-778-1230